This is the first, wildest, and wisest thing I know, that the soul exists and that it is built entirely out of attentiveness.

Mary Oliver

Embodywork is an evolving practice that combines embodiment coaching, somatic education and manual therapy, integrating a broad array of lineage teachings and the experience of two and a half decades working with a huge diversity of people. Every session is unique, as every day offers up a new field of possibility.

Our work together is rooted in the dynamics of active consent, collaboration, and openness to outcome. Free from expectations and respected for its deep intelligence, the body moves in its own time toward its ultimate expression of vitality, freedom, clarity, and innate joy. I am with you as a witness to your genius, a guide through your transformation, and a friend rooting for you all the way.

I offer in-person sessions in Montecito Heights (Northeast LA), as well as remote sessions over Zoom or Signal. For more information about what happens in a session and to find out about my rates, Covid policy and availability, please click here.

A form to request a 15 minute introductory call can be found here.

I regularly offer workshops on applied anatomy and radical body literacy, inclusive and pleasure-centering sex education for people of all ages, trauma-informed pelvic healing, postpartum recovery, scar tissue remediation, the practice of responsibly holding power, agency and consent in both intimate and professional partnered contact. I offer intensive hands-on training and mentorship for bodyworkers and somatic educators, and education and coaching for parents and guardians who want to lay the ground for a better and freer relationship with bodies and sex for their children than what they received. I also, whenever possible, hold a communal erotic ritual practice space for queer community at the turning points of the year.

There are collaborations: I co-teach regularly with my dear friend and fellow provider Emily Carson under the banner of the School for Ethical Touch; with beloved colleagues Mo Washburn and Willa Mamet I offer quarterly workshops on connected, constitutionally-informed breast and chest care, and I co-facilitate an ongoing series of comprehensive, inclusive body literacy and sex education classes for teens and tweens with my colleagues DanRae Wilson and Gabriela Fisk at the Center for the Advancement of Body Literacy, our educational nonprofit.

I am also honored to regularly assist and co-instruct adrenal stress scenario training (ASST) self-defense classes with the amazing team at Raw Power Self Defense.

All of my teaching is rooted in the ethic of community care, trauma awareness, and my deep commitment to honor and normalize all bodies and all experiences. Sliding scale and scholarships are always available.

I send out an occasional newsletter from Substack with class announcements, resources, and links to things that are currently lighting me up and turning me on. If you’d like to receive it, you can sign up for the mailing list here. You can read archived newsletters and the rest of the blog here.

To find out more about me, Pamela Samuelson, please click here.